Sunday, January 16, 2011

Facebook Stalker

Am I the only one paranoid about people rifling through my photos? Most people I visit on Facebook that I'm not "friends" with have their photos completely open to the public.

The main reason this creeps me out, is because I rifle though people's photos.

I will look at almost every photo you have on your Facebook account, even if we're mere acquaintances. In fact, not knowing you very well makes me really want to pour over your photo albums. It's almost like watching a TV show with character development and a story line. I'll look for your oldest photo especially, so I know where the plot begins. I imagine what you were like in high school (or remember what you were like in high school and imagine you now), which photos were happy moments, which ones were taken for posterity, etc. The best is if we're not even "friends." Then I can imagine pretty much whatever I want to. I can practically write a movie script based on what I assume your life is like when I'm not there. Although, to be fair, it wouldn't be a very good script because your life is probably boring.

Then, after about an hour of examining my distant kind of friend's personal photo collection and realizing what a psycho I am, a thought occurs to me... I hope no one does this to me.


Bridgette said...

You are so imaginative - making movies in your head! I don't really look at photo albums unless there is a theme (wedding, party, vacation photos). BTW, I looked at your family photos!

Suna Shiro said...

Is it sad that I found your blog because I was sniffing around on your facebook. Answer: Yes. *Sad Face*